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TENSE (काल) :
किसी भी वाकया को पढने या बोलने के लिए TENSE का ज्ञान होना बहुत जरुरी है . आज के इस लेख में हम TENSE या काल के बारे में हि विस्तार से बात करेंगे . और जानेगे की TENSE का प्रयोग किस प्रकार से किया जाता है , TENSE या काल तिन प्रकार के होते है . PRESENT TENSE , PAST TENSE , AND FUTURE TENSE.
TENSE क्या है ? ( WHAT IS TENSE ? ) : -
TENSE को हिंदी में काल के नाम से जाना जाता जाता है . काल समय को व्यक्त करता है . TENSE के द्वारा हि किसी भी वाक्य या सेंटेंस को पढ़ा या बोला जाता है
TENSE क्रिया या VERB के विभिन्न रूपों का विस्तार से अध्यन है . या VERB के विभिन्न रूपों का विस्तार से अध्यन को हि अंग्रेजी ग्रामर में TENSE ( टेंस ) कहा जाता है .
ENGLISH GRAMMER में TENSE मुख्यतः तिन प्रकार के होते है . जो की निम्न लिखित है -
१. PRESENT TENSE ( वर्त्तमान काल )
2. PAST TENSE ( भूत काल )
३. FUTURE TENSE ( भविष्य काल )
आइये इन तीनो TENSE के बारे अब विस्तार से जानते है .
१. PRESENT TENSE ( या वर्त्तमान काल ) :
Present Tense चार प्रकार के होते है जो की निम्न लिखित है -
1. Presente Indefinite tense .
2. present Continouse tense.
3. present perfect tense .
4 Present perfect Continouse tense.
1. Present Indefinite/ Simple tense :
Present Infefinite /simple tense ka structure kuch is prakar se hota hai :
Syntax/ structure for present tense :
"Subject + Verb (1 st form) + S/es + Object .
Identification / पहचान :
present tense me वाक्य के अंत में "ता , ते , ती " आता है .
Example / उदाहरण :
1. राम घर जाता है .
English Meaning: Ram Goes to Home.
Negative Sentence: Ram does not Go home.
Interrogative Sentence: Does Ram go home?
Interrogative Negative: Does not Ram go Home ?
2. मै पुस्तक पढता हूँ .
English Meaning - I Read Book.
Negative Sentense : I do not read book .
Interrogative sentence : Do i read Book ?
Interrogative negative sentense : Do i note read book ?
3. वे पत्र लिखते है .
English : they write a letter.
Negative : They do not write a latter .
Interrogative : Do they not write a latter ?
Interrogative Negative : Do they not write a letter ?
4. मै घर जाता हूँ .
English : I go home .
Negative : i do note go home .
Interrogative :Do i note go home ?
Interrogative Negative : Do i Note go home ?
5. सूर्य पश्चिम दिशा में डूबता है .
English : Sun Sets In the west.
NEgative : Sun do not sets in west.
Interrogative : Do son sets in the west ?
Interrogative NEgative : Do Sun Not Sets In the west ?
2. Present Continuous / Progressive tense :
Structure / Syntax :
" Subject + Is / Am / Are + verb ( first form) + ing + object.
Identification / पहचान :
" वाक्य के अंत में रहा , रही , रहे है " आते है .
Eamples / उदहारण :
१. हम क्रिकेट खेल रहे है .
ENglish : We are Playing cricket.
Negative : we are not playing cricket.
Interrogative : Are we playing cricket ?
Interrogative Negative : Are we note Playing Cricket ?
2. वह संगीत सिख रही है -
English : She is learning Music .
Negative : She is note learning Music .
Interrogative : Is she Learning Music ?
Interrogative Negative : Is she not learning music ?
3. मै स्कूल जा रहा हूँ .
English: I am going to school.
Negative: I am not going to school.
Interrogative: Am I going to school?
Interrogative Negative: Am i not going to school?
4. वे खाना खा रहे है .
English : they are taking food.
Negative : They are note taking food .
Interrogative : Are they note taking food?
Interrogative Negative : Are They Note taking food ?
5. लड़के हांकी खेल रहे है .
English : Boys are playing Hockey.
Negative : Boys are Not palaying hockey .
Interrogative : Are boys Playing hockey ?
Interrogative Negaive : Are Boys Note playing hockey ?
3. Present perfect Tense ( पूर्ण वर्तमान काल ) :
Structuter :
"Subject + has / Have + Verb ( 3 rd form) + object "
Identification / पहचान :
" वाक्य के अंत में चूका है , चुकी है , चुके है " शब्द आते है .
Exmaple / उदाहरण :
१. मै अपना कार्य समाप्त कर चूका हूँ .
English : I have finished their work.
Negative : I have not finished their workes .
Interrogative : Have I finished their workes ?
Interrogative Negative : Have I note finished their works. ?
2. सीता पढ़ चुकी है .
English : Sita has read .
Negative : Sita has not read .
Interrogative : has Sita read ?
Interrogative negative : Has sita note read ?
3. घंटी बज चुकी है .
English : Bell has rung.
Negative : Bell has not rung.
Interrogative : Has bell rung ?
Interrogative Negaive : Has bell not rung ?
4. वे फल खरीद चुके है .
English : they have bought Fruit .
Negatice : They have not bought fruit.
Interrogative : Have they bought fruits ?
Interrogative negative : Have they not bought fruits ?
5. हम दरवाजा बंद कर चुके है .
English : We have Closed door .
NEgaive : We Have not closed door .
Interrogative : Have we closed door ?
Interrogative Negative : Have we do note closed door ?
6. वे स्टेशन पहुच चुके है .
English : They have reached station.
Negative : They Have note Reached station.
Interrogative : Have they reached station ?
Interrogative negative : Have they note reached station ?
7. वह पुरुस्कार जीत चुकी है .
English : She has one reward .
Negative : She has not won reward .
Interrogative : Has She won reward ?
Interrogative Negaive : Has she nat reward ?
4. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINOUSE TENSE ( पूर्ण निरंतर वर्तमान काल ) :
वाक्य के अंत में "रहा है , रही है , रहे है " आते है और वाक्य में समय का बोध होता है .
१. तुम सुबह 2 घंटे से पढ़ते आ रहे हो .
English : You have been reading morning for two hours.
Negative : You Have Not been reading morning for two hours.
Interrogative : Have you been morning for two hours.
Interrogative negative : Have you not been reading morning for 2 hours.
2. मै इस मकान में 1940 से रहता आ रहा हूँ .
English : I have been living that house since 1940 .
Negative : I have not been living that house since 1994.
Interrogative : Have i been living that house since 1940.
Interrogative tense : Have i not been living that house since 1940 ?
3. मै सुबह से उपन्यास पढता आ रहा हूँ .
English : I have been reading novel since Morning.
Negative : I have not been reading novel since morning .
Interrogative : Have i been reading novel since morning ?
Interrogative Negative : Have I note been reading novel since Morning.
4. राम 2 घंटे से पुस्तक पढता आ रहा है .
English : Ram has been reading the book for two hours.
Negative : Ram has been not reading the book for two hours.
Interrogative : Has ram been reading the book for two hours ?
Interrogative negative : Has Ram not been reading the book for two hours?
5. सुबह से वर्षा हो रही है .
English : It has been raining since morning.
Negative : It has not been raining since morning.
Interrogative : Has it been raining since morning?
INterrogative negative : has it not been raining since morning?
6. वे दो घंटे से खेल रहे है .
English : They Have been playing for two hours.
Negative : They have not been playing for two hours.
Interrogative : Have they been playing for two hours?
Interrogative Negative : Have they not been playing two hours?
Past Tense ( या भुतकाल ) :
अन्य सभी tense की तरह हि past thense ( भूतकाल ) के भी 4 प्रकार होते है . जो की निम्न लिखित है -
1 . Past Indefinite / Simple Tense
2. Pas Continuous / Progressive tense
3. Past Perfect Tense
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
दोस्तों ! आइये इन्ही tenses के बारे में विस्तार से पढ़ते है .
1. Past Indefinite / Simple Tense ( सामान्य भूतकाल ) :
Structure :
" Subject + Verb (2nd form) + Object"
Idendification / पहचान :
वाक्य के अंत में " ता था , ती था ,ते थे " आती शब्द आते है .
Example / उदहारण :
१. मैंने एक आम खाया .
English : I ate a mango.
Negative : I did not a mango.
Interrogative : DId i eat a mango ?
Interrogative negative: Did I not eat a mango ?
2. उसने एक पत्र लिखा .
English : He write a letter.
Negative : He did note write a letter.
Interrogative: Did he write a letter?
Interrogative negative : Did he not write a letter?
3. वह घर गया .
English : He went to home .
Negative : He did not go to home.
INterrogative : Did he go to home ?
INterrogative Negative : Did he Not go to home ?
4. भारत ने मैच जीता .
English : India win the Match.
Negative : India did not win the match.
Interrogative : Did india win the match ?
Interrogative negative : Did india not win the match ?
5. राम ने रावन को मारा .
English : Ram Kield Rawan .
NEgative : Ram Did not kill Rawan .
Interrogative : Did Ram Kield Rawan ?
Interrogative Negative : Did Ram not killed Rawan ?
6. उसने अपना कार्य किया .
English : He Did there work.
Negative : He do not there work .
Interrogative : Do he there work ?
Interrogative Negative : Do he not there work ?
7. चपरासी ने घंटी बजाया .
English : Peon Range bell.
Negative : Peon Did not range Bell.
Interrogative : Did peon range bell ?
Interrogative NEgative : Did peon not rang the bell ?
2. Past Continuous / Progressive tense :
Structure :
" Subject + Wash / were + verb (1 st form) + ing + Object "
Identification / पहचान :
वाक्य के अंत में "रहा था , रही थे , रहे थे " आते है .
Example / उदहारण :
१. वह काम कर रहा था .
English : He was doing Work.
Negative : He was not Doing work.
Interrogative : Was he doing work ?
Interrogative Negative : Was he not doing work ?
2. तुम लिख रहे थे .
English : You were writing.
Negative : You were not writing .
Interrogative : Were You writing ?
Interrogative negative : Were you not writing ?
3. वह संगीत सिख रही थी .
English : he was learning music .
Negative : He was not learning music.
Interrogative : Was He learning music ?
Interrogative Neagative : Was he not learning music ?
4. मैं स्कूल जा रहा था .
English : I was going to school .
Negative : I was not going to school .
Interrogative : Was i going to school ?
Interrogative negative : was i not going to school ?
5. हरीश कार चला रहा था .
English : Harish was driving car.
Neagative : Harish was not driving car.
Interrogative : Was Harish driving car ?
Interrogative negative : was harish not driving car ?
6. मैं कक्षा 9 वि में पढ़ रहा था .
English : I was reading 9 th Class.
Negative : I Was not reading 9 th class.
Interrogative : Was i reading 9 th class ?
Interrogative Negative : Was i not reading 9 th class ?
7. हम सब हल्ला / चिल्ला रहे थे .
English : We were doing South.
Negative : We were not doing South .
Interrogative : Were we doing south ?
Interrogative negative : Were we not doing south ?
8. शिक्षक पढ़ा रहा था .
English : Teacher was teaching .
Negative : Teacher was not teaching .
Interrogative : Was teacaher teaching ?
Interrogative Negative : Was Teacher not teaching ?
3. PAST PERFECT TENSE ( पूर्ण निरंतर भूतकाल ) :
Structure :
" Subject + Had + Verb (3 rd ) Form + Object "
Identification / पहचान :
वाक्य के अंत में " चूका था , चुकी थी , चुके थे " आदि शब्द आते है .
Example / उदहारण :
1. मोहन रायपुर जा चूका था .
English : Mohan Had gone to Raipur .
Negative : Mohan had not gone to Raipur.
Interrogative : Had Mohan gone to Raipur ?
Interrogative Negative: Had Mohan not gone to Raipur?
2. मैं खेत जा चूका था .
I had gone field .
Negative : I had not gone to Field.
Interrogative : Had i gone to field ?
Interrogative Negative : Had i not gone to field ?
3. वह काम कर चूका था .
इंग्लिश : He had done to work .
Negative : He had not done to work .
Interrogative : Had he done to work ?
Interrogative negative : Had he not done to work ?
4. मोहन खेत जोत चूका था .
English : MOhan Had Plow to field .
Neagative : Mohan Had not plow to field .
Inerrogative : Had Mohan Plow to field ?
Interrogative Negative : Had Mohan Not Plow to field ?
5. मै अपना पाठ याद कर चूका था .
English : I hed learnt my lesson.
Negative : I hed Not Learnt my lesson.
Interrogative : Hed I learnt my lesson?
Interrogative Negative : Head I not learnt my lesson?
6. सीता पत्र लिख चुकी थी.
English : Sita Had writen Letter .
Negative : Sita Had Not written letter .
Interrogative : Had sita written letter ?
Interrogative Negative : Had Sita Not written Letter ?
4. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE ( पूर्ण निरंतर भूतकाल ) :
Structure :
"Subject + Had Been + verb ( 1 st form ) + ing + since / for + Object "
Identification / पहचान :
वाक्य के अंत में " रहा था , रही थी , रहे थे " आदि शब्द आते है . और इस tense में समय का बोध होता है . इसके लिए Since या for का use किया जाता है .Since का उपयोग अनिश्चित काल या समय को व्यक्त करने के लिए होता है , जबकि for का उपयोग निश्चित समय को वक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है .
Example / उदहारण :
१. सुबह से वर्षा हो रही थी .
English : It had been raining since morning.
Negative : it had not been raining since morning.
interrogative : Had it been raining since morning ?
Interrogative Negative : Had it not been been raining since morning ?
2. मैं सुबह 7 बजे से पढ़ रही थी .
English : I had been reading for morning 7 : 00 am .
Negative : I had not been reading for morning 7 : 00 am .
Interrogative : Had i been reading for morning 7 : 00 am ?
Interrogative Negative : Had i Not been reading for morning 7 : 00 am ?
3. राम दो घंटे से सो रहा था .
English : Ram had been sleeping for 2 hours.
Negative : Ram had not been sleeping for 2 hours .
Interrogative : Had ram been sleeping for 2 hours ?
Interrogative Negative : Had ram not been sleeping for 2 hours ?
4. मैं 1995 से पढ़ रहा था .
English : I had been reading since 1995 .
Negative : I had not been reading since 1995 .
Interrogative : Had i been reading since 1995 ?
Interrogative Negative : Had I not been reading since 1995 ?
3 . FUTURE TENSE ( भविष्य काल ) :
दोस्तों ! सभी TENSE की तरह FUTURE TENSE भी 4 स्वरूपों में पाया जाता है , जो की निम्न लिखित है -
1 . Future Indefinite / Simple Tense
2. Future Countinuouse / Prograssive Tense
3. Future PErfect tense
4 . Future perfect countinuouse tense
आइये इन्ही tenses के बारे में अब विस्तार से जानते है . .
१. Future Indefinite/ Simple Tense ( सामान्य भविष्य काल ) :
Structure :
" Subject + will / shall + verb ( 1 st form ) + Object "
Identification /पहचान :
वाक्य के अंत में "गा , गे , गी " आते है .
Example / उदाहरण :
1. हम मैच जीतेगे .
English : we win the match .
Negative : We shall not win the match.
INterrrogative : Shall we win the match ?
Interrogative Negative : Shall we not win the match ?
2. मै रायपुर जाउंगी .
English : I shall go raipur.
Negative : I shall not go Raipur .
Interrogative : Shall i go raipur ?
Interrogative negative : Shall i not go raipur ?
3. गाय दूध देगी .
English : Cow Will Give Milk .
Negative : Cow will note give milk.
Interrogative : Will Cow give milk ?
Interrogative Negative : Will Cow not give milk ?
4. मैं पुस्तक पढूंगी .
English : I shall read book.
Negative : I shall not read book .
Interrogative : Shall i read book ?
Interrogative negative : Shall i not read book ?
5. वह स्कूल जाएगी .
English : He Shall go school.
Negative : He shall not go school .
Interrogative : Shall he go school ?
Interrogative Negative : Shall He not go school ?
6. राम पत्र लिखेगा .
English meaning : Ram will write letter.
Negative : Ram will Not write letter.
Intterogative: Will ram write letter ?
Interrogative Negative : Will Ram not write letter ?
7. रामू गीत गायेगा .
English Meaning : Ramu will sing song.
negative : Ramu will not sing song.
Interrogative : Will Ramu sing song ?
Interrogative Negative : Will Ramu not sing song ?
8. हम कल दिल्ली जायेगे .
English Meaning : We Shaill go to Delhi tomorrow.
Negative : We Shall not go to Delhi Tomorrow .
Interrogative : Shall We go to Delhi Tomorrow ?
Interrogative Negative : Shall we not go to Delhi Tomorrow ?
2 . FUTURE CONTINUOUSE / PROGRESSIVE TENSE ( निरंतर भविष्य काल ) :
Structure :
" Subject + Will / Shall + be + Verb (1st form ) + ing + Object "
Identification / पहचान :
वाक्य के अंत में " रहें होंगे , रहा होगा , रही होंगे " आदि शब्द आते है .
Example / उदहारण :
१ . वह भोजन पका रही होगी .
English Meaning : She will be cooking food.
Negative : She will not be cooking food.
Interrogative : Will She be cooking food ?
Interrogative Negative : Will She not be cooking food ?
2. किसान खेत में हल चला रहे होंगे .
English Meaning : Former will be plaguing in the field.
Negative : Former will not be plaguing in the field.
Interrogative : Will Former be plaguing in the field ?
Interrogative Negative : Will Former not be plaguing in the field ?
3. वे सभा में भाषण दे रहे थे .
English meaning : They will be given speech in asembly.
Negative : They Will not be given speech in asembly.
Interrogative : Will they be given speech in asembly ?
Interrogative Negative : Will they not be given Speech in asembly ?
4. तुम अपना काम कर रहे होंगे .
English : You Will Be My work.
Negative : You Will not be my work .
Interrogative : Will You be my work ?
Interrogative Negative : Will You not be my work ?
5. मै पत्र लिख रहा होऊंगा .
English Meaning : I Shall Be writing Letter .
Negative : I Shall not be writing letter .
interrogative : Shall i be writing letter ?
Interrogative Negative : Shall i not be writing letter ?
6. वह घर आ रहा होगा .
English Meaning : He will Comming to house.
Negative : He will be coming to house .
Interrogative : Will he coming to house ?
Interrogative negative : Will he not comming to house ?
7. मैं गा रहा होऊंगा .
English meaning : I shall be singing song.
Negative : I shall not be singing song.
Interrogative : Shall i be singing song ?
Interrogative Negative : Shall i not be singing song ?
3. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE ( पूर्ण भविष्य काल ) :
Structure :
" Subject + will have / Shall Have + verb ( 3 rd form) + object "
Identification / पहचान :
वाक्य के अंत में " चूका होगा , चुकी होगी , चुके होंगे " आदि शब्द आते है .
Example / उदहारण :
1. मैं काम पूरा कर चूका होऊंगा .
English Meaning : I shall have Finished my work .
Negative : I shall not have finished my work .
interrogative : Shall i have finished my work ?
Interrogative Negative : Shall i not have finished my work ?
2. हम दरवाजा बंद कर चुके होंगे .
English Meaning : We shall have clossed Door .
NEgative : We shall not have clossed door.
Interrogative : Shall we have clossed door ?
interrogative negative : Shall we not have clossed door ?
3. वे फल खरीद चुके होंगे .
English Meaning : they shall have bought fruit.
Negative : they shall not have bought fruit.
Interrogative : Shall they have bought fruit.
Interrogative negative : Shall they not have bought fruit.
4 . तुम पुरुस्कार जित चुके होगे .
english meaning : You shall have won reward.
Negative : You Shall not have won reward.
Interrogative : Shall You have won reward ?
Interrogative Negative : Shall you not have won reward ?
5. वे स्टेशन पहुच चुके होंगे .
English Meaning : They shall have reached the station.
Negative : They Shall not have reached the station.
Interrogative : Shall they have reached the station ?
Interrogative negative : Shall they not have reached the station ?
6. चपरासी घंटी बजा चूका होगा .
English Meaning : The Peon Will have rung bell.
Negative : the peon will not have rung bell.
Interrogative : Will the peon have rung bell?
INterrogative Negative : will the peon not have rung the bell ?
7. मैं पत्र लिख चूका होऊंगा .
English Meaning : I shall have written letter.
Negative : I shall not have written letter .
Interrogative : Shall i have written letter ?
Interrogative Negative : Shall i have not writen letter ?
4. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUSE TENSE ( पूर्ण निरंतर भविष्य काल ) :
Structure :
" Subject + will /shall + have + been + Verb ( 1 st form) + Ing + since / for + Object "
identification / पहचान :
वाक्य के अंत में " रहा होगा , रही होगी , रहे होगे " अदि शब्द विशेष आते है . इस टेंस में समय का बोध होता है . जोकि निश्चित या अनिशाचित समय हो सकता है .
जिन वाक्यों में निश्चित समय मौजूद होता है उस वाक्य में for का उपयोग किया जाता है , और जिन वाक्यों में अनिशाचित समय को दर्शाया जाता है वहां पर since का उपयोग किया जाता है .
Example / उदाहरण :
१. वे 2 घंटे से सभा गृह में भाषण दे रहा होगा .
Meaning in English : They Shall have been speaching in assembly holl .
Negative : They Shall not have been speching in assembly holl.
Interrogative : Shall They have been speaching in assembly holl ?
interrogative Negative : Shall They not have been speaching in assembly holl ?
2. मैं कल इस समय विज्ञान विषय को पढ़ रहा होऊंगा .
English : I shall have been reading Science subject since this time tomorrow.
Negative . i shall not have been reading science subject since this time tomorrow .
interrogative : shall i have been reading science subject since this time tomorrow ?
Interrogative Negative . shall i not have been reading science subject since this time tomorrow ?
3. वह 2 घंटे से पढता आ रहा होगा .
INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE : will he have not been reading for two hours ?
4. मैं इस मकान में 1995 से हि रहता आ रहा होऊंगा .
i shall have been living that house since 1995.
Negative : I shal not have been living that house since 1995.
Interrogative : Shall i have been living that house since 1995 ?
Interrogative Negative : Shall i not have been living that house since 1995 ?
5. वे सवेरे से हि पौधों को पानी दे रहे होंगे .
they will have been watering the plants since morning.
Negative : They Will not have been watering the plants since morning.
Interrogative : Will they have been watering the plants since morning ?
Interrogative Negative : Will they not have been watering the plants since morning ?
दोस्तों ! इस पोस्ट ( post ) में मैंने आपको टेंस ( tense ) के बारे में सम्पूर्ण जानकारिया दिया हूँ . इसमें आपको दिए गये उदाहरानो या examples का affermative (अर्थात वाक्य के अंग्रेजी meaning ) sentence और साथ साथ उनका अन्य रूपांतरण भी दिया गया है . जिसमे Negative sentence , Interrogative sentence , और Interrogative - Negative senternce मुख्य रूप से सामिल है .
यदि आपको हमारा यह post पसंद आया हो या आपका tense के बारे में knowledge जानकारी हमारे post से दुरुस्त हुआ हो . तो हमारे इस post को share जरुर करें . ताकि आपके साथ साथ आप जिनसे post share करने जा रहे है वो भी इस जानकारी का फायदा उठा सके .
इसी प्रकार से जानकारिय और एग्जाम की तयारी के किये विभिन्न प्रकार के नोट्स और सुझाव अथवा किसी भी प्रकार की पढाई और परीक्षाओ से सम्बन्धी सुचनाए और जानकारियां पाने के लिए कृपया हमारे वेबसाइट पर visite करते रहिए .
यदि आप हमे किसी भी प्रकार की सलाह , सुझाव , या कोई शिकायत करना चाहते है तो आप हमे comment बॉक्स में अपने सिकायत सुझाव या शलाह लिख सकते है . हम उस पर जरूर ध्यान देंगे.
आप अपनी शिकायत या सुझाव हमे इस ईमेल id में ईमेल भी कर सकते है -
Email id - " Padhoindia91@gmail.com "
Thank You Friends!
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